Tit of Britain
Crested Tits ( Lophophanes cristatus) are notoriously elusive birds who can only be found in the Highlands of Scotland. They are some of Scotland's most endearing and hyperactive birds who have happily increased in numbers in recent years.
Crested Tits are easily recognised by the lack of colour in their plumage as well as the distinctive black and white crest on their heads. The crests are often referred to as “Mohican tufts”.
Adults start breeding when they are 1 year of age. The typical lifespan of the Crested Tit is 2 years.
Crested Tits are resident birds that only live and breed in conifers and pine trees of the ancient Caledonian pine forests of Scotland. A few are found in mixed woodland.
Scots Pine is a habitat requirement as they attract Crested Tits more than any other species of tree.
Most of the population inhabit Speyside and in Inverness. Adults rarely move more than a kilometre, or less than a mile, from the areas when they were hatched.
A few sometimes move to feeders in gardens in the winter where they generally ignore humans.
Crested Tits are much more common among the coniferous forests in central and northern Europe. They prefer Scots Pine but also live happily among deciduous trees in woodland environments. However, Crested Tits in Britain only live in woods and forests where Scots Pine is available.
Scottish Crested Tits are pine specialist who share the same acrobatic characteristics as other members of the tit family. Foraging takes place by clinging to the trunks of trees and hanging upside-down on twigs.
Heather is another essential habitat requirement as they also feed on the ground, particularly during the winter.
The main diet of Crested Tits consists of insects, spiders, seeds and berries. The seeds of pines are particularly favoured in the winter. Food is hidden during the early winter and retrieved later as a store.
They are sociable birds who join flocks of small birds that roam around woodland during the autumn and winter months.
The breeding season is between March and June. Pairs are monogamous and form life-long bonds. They make their nests in the hollows and branches of dead trees. Nest boxes are regularly used.
The female excavates and removes the bark from an old tree. The nest is made of lichens, feathers, moss or other soft material.
Five or six eggs are laid in April and take between 13 and 16 days to hatch. The young learn to fly after 20 or 25 days. Both parents look after the young who raised 1 or 2 broods a year.
The young are able to fly from late May onwards although they rarely travel far.
The Crested Tit is a green-listed species of bird in Britain. They were moved from amber-listed species of bird to the green list in 2015 because of “improvements” in their population.
The current population is small with only 1000 and 2000 pairs breeding in the UK. However, there has been a small range expansion in recent years.
The Crested tit is classified as of Least Concern by IUCN.
Europe holds over 95% of the population. The population of Crested Tits has undergone a “moderate decline” between 1980 and 2013.
The main threats experienced by Crested Tits are cold winters and loss of their woodland habitat.
For more information on the Blue Tit of the UK and Ireland, please visit
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